

Vážný Zájem House Concert with Quasi Trio
11:00 AM11:00

Vážný Zájem House Concert with Quasi Trio

  • 17 Čestlická Dobřejovice, Středočeský kraj, 251 01 Czechia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


The concert of the young piano trio will build on the success of previous performances after a break of almost three years. It will take place thanks to the project SERIOUS INTEREST (https://vaznyzajem.cz/), which brings classical music to our home. The program will include compositions by well-known and lesser-known masters (L.van Beethoven, N. Rota, M. Bruch). Come and experience first-hand that classical music is not serious!

Quasi Trio (http://www.quasitrio.cz/) was founded in 2014 in Prague. David Šimeček (clarinet), Judita Škodová (cello), Kateřina Ochmanová (piano) - graduates of the Music Academy of Performing Arts in Prague resp. Brno.

Admission: free, small contributions to musicians.

He will be pleased with a small tooth for a neighborhood meeting.

Koncert mladého klavírního tria naváže na po takřka tříleté pauze na úspěch předchozích vystoupení. Uskuteční se díky projektu VÁŽNÝ ZÁJEM (https://vaznyzajem.cz/), který přináší klasickou hudbu k nám domů. Na programu budou skladby známých i méně známých mistrů (L.van Beethoven, N. Rota, M. Bruch). Přijďte zažít na vlastní kůži, že klasická hudba není vážná!

Quasi Trio (http://www.quasitrio.cz/) bylo založeno v roce 2014 v Praze. David Šimeček (klarinet), Judita Škodová (violoncello), Kateřina Ochmanová (klavír) - absolventi Hudebních akademií múzických umění v Praze resp. Brně.

Vstupné: zdarma, možno drobně přispět hudebníkům.

Potěší nějaká maličkost na zub pro sousedskou sešlost.

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European History of Classical Music - Book Launch Event
10:00 AM10:00

European History of Classical Music - Book Launch Event

  • Krajská knihovny Vysočiny Havlíčkův Brod (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We cordially invite you to the presentation of the book of music history by Šárka Pelikánová and Jakub Janeby.

The aim of the book is to guide the reader through the development of music through poems, structured information and the life stories of composers. From the earliest prehistoric beginnings of musical expression, the book addresses all important milestones in the development of classical music, without overwhelming the reader with complex facts.

European history of classical music

33 portraits, ten Czech composers - at the end of each chapter there are always several musical legends of the time. You will learn interesting information from life, but also musical characteristics and tips on well-known works of the artist.

15 chapters - the chapters are different in color, each contains a poem, full of illustrations, a portrait of a musician and a two-page page with important information about the musical epoch.

200 pages - the book is divided into chapters according to important milestones of musical development. It has grown to 200 pages, which gives a lot of space to the content and information, but at the same time does not overwhelm the reader with many texts so that he can perceive them together with the illustrations as a whole.

educational and beautiful - the book is full of hand- and digitally painted illustrations and portraits that will delight not only small but also large readers. In addition, it is full of important information and at the end a dictionary with the most important terms.

Šárka Pelikánová is a painter, teacher and gallerist. Jakub Janeba is a graphic designer and illustrator. They live and work in the Vysočina region. Together they create books and ceramics under the hyjé atelier brand.

Free entry



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Vážný zájem | Salón Fulbright
1:00 PM13:00

Vážný zájem | Salón Fulbright

Join us for a saloon concert on the roof of the Lucerna Palais, featuring three Fulbright Scholars, American singer Bree Nichols, American pianist Isabel Keléti and Czech cellist Tomáš Jamník. The programme will present works by Czech composers, including a selection of songs by Vítězslava Kaprálová and the song cycle "March" by Julia Reisserová. Musicologist Michael Beckerman from New York University will be a distinguished guest. After the concert, you can stroll with a glass of wine on the roof and enjoy the Prague skyline after sunset.


Julie Reisserová: Song cycle “March”
Leoš Janáček: In the Mists
Vítězslav Novák: Melancholy Songs about Love
Leoš Janáček: Fairy Tale for Cello and Piano
Vítězslava Kaprálová: choice of songs
J. B. Foerster: Three Nocturnos


Bree Nichols - Voice
Isabel Keléti - Piano
Tomáš Jamník - Cello

➡️ Arrival of guests to the saloon is possible from 19:45. The entrance can be found in the passage of Lucerna Palace (from Stepanska Street) opposite the entrance to the “Velký sál". The saloon is located on the fifth floor, the fourth floor is possible to reach by the paternoster (old wooden elevator).
➡️ Admission is voluntary with a recommended amount of 400,- CZK, reserve your seats via email martina@vaznyzajem.cz or send SMS to 604 436 063. Discount 100,- if you book your place via the “Vážný zájem" app here: https://bit.ly/vz_fulbright
➡️ We also like to see young faces, students can contribute a smaller amount. Just come!

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Rainbow — A Concert of Czech Music
7:30 PM19:30

Rainbow — A Concert of Czech Music

In this international collaboration between Czech and American musicians, Fulbright grantees Isabel Keleti and Bree Nichols are joined by Kristýna Kůstková, Jana Karfusová, Jason Nichols, Vojtěch Červenka, and the Quasi Trio to celebrate the works of Czech composers. Highlights of the program include beloved piano and vocal works by Janáček as well as the rarely-heard art songs of Josefina Brdlíková and Emil Axman. The event will take place at the Czech Museum of Music in Prague. Admission is free.

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IN THE MISTS — Concert with Isabel Keleti and Bree Nichols
7:30 PM19:30

IN THE MISTS — Concert with Isabel Keleti and Bree Nichols

  • Barkoní sál -- Místodržitelský palác (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Pianist Isabel Keleti and soprano Bree Nichols present a concert in celebration of Czech piano and vocal works. The program will take place Monday, April 18th at 7:30pm in the Baroque Hall of the Governor's Palace in Brno. The performance will feature both beloved favorites and hidden gems by Janáček, Kaprálová, V. Novák, and Reisserová.

Admission is free.

Isabel and Bree are recipients of U.S. Fulbright grants to the Czech Republic, where they perform and study works by Czech composers.‘


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Concert — International Women's Day
6:00 PM18:00

Concert — International Women's Day

Bree Nichols joins with pianist and fellow Fulbrighter Isabel Keleti to present a concert of Czech works by Janáček, V. Novák, and female composers Agnes Tyrrell and Vítězslava Kaprálová. In collaboration with American Corner Ostrava. Free admission.

American Corner Ostrava Vás srdečně zve na koncert pořádaný při příležitosti Mezinárodního dne žen. Vystoupí americká klavíristka Isabel Keleti a americká sopranistka Bree Nichols. Obě umělkyně přijely do České Republiky studovat český repertoár díky stipendiu Fulbrightovy komise.

Vedle skladeb Leoše Janáčka a Vítězslava Nováka zazní skladby dvou českých hudebních skladatelek Agnes Tyrrell a Vítězslavy Kaprálové.


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